
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 605 Textless 70th Anniversary Variant.jpg


The Hulk is one of the most powerful beings in the universe since his powers increase with his rage. He is capable of matching the power of beings like Thor and Silver Surfer.
Transformation: The process by which Banner usually transforms into the Hulk is presumably the result of the chemical catalyst, adrenaline (a.k.a. epinephrine). As in normal human beings, Banner's adrenal medulla secretes large amounts of adrenaline in time of fear, rage, or stress, which hormonally stimulates the heart rate, increases blood-sugar levels, and inhibits sensations of fatigue. Whereas the secretion heightens normal physical abilities in normal human beings, in Banner's case it triggers the complex chemical-extra-physical process that transforms him into the Hulk. The total time of transformation falls anywhere between seconds to five minutes, depending on the initial adrenalin surge, which will be determined by the original stimulus. Soon after the transformation, the amount of adrenalin in the Hulk will return to more normal, reduced levels. However, there have been instances in which Banner became the Hulk without any discernible increase in heart rate or adrenal levels, suggesting that the true trigger mechanism into the Hulk is far more psychological than physical. When the Hulk transforms back into Banner, the excess muscle mass and energy is lost, presumably to the same place he derives it.
  • Superhuman Strength: The Hulk possesses the capacity for limitless physical strength[161][31][36][162][163][164][165]. However, each of the core Hulk personalities possesses a base strength level. While in a functionally calm state, the Gray Hulk is able of lifting 70 tons, the Savage Hulk can lift 90 tons, and the Professor Hulk can lift about 100 tons. The incarnation sometimes referred to as the "Green Scar" is the physically strongest of all the primary and core Hulk incarnations. After being exposed to energies from the exploding core of the ship that originally brought him to Sakaar, the Green Scar's base strength level was dramatically increased. While in a "calm" state, this incarnation was capable of lifting well over 100 tons. However, while he is in an enraged state, adrenaline surges through the Hulk's body increasing his strength considerably beyond his base limits. Among his amazing feats are supporting a 150 billion ton mountain[166], ripping through a bunker designed to withstand an explosion of thousands of megatons in magnitude[167], knocking out the Invisible Woman, the Thing and the Human Torch[168], fighting against Scarlet Witch(prior to House of M), the Wonder Man, the Iron Man and the Vision, while narration states that the Hulk's power is greater than their combined might[169], fighting against the West Coast and East Coast Avengers during a prolonged period in spite of being weakened due to separation from Banner[170], almost breaking East Coast and threating to break the whole planet by the mere output of force from his body[146], holding together the tectonic plates of a planet[52], overcoming a field of energy with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet[46], pushing spheres of matter and antimatter apart[171], destroying an asteroid twice the size of Earth with a single punch due especially to his physical toughness and to the impulse generated by the contraction of his legs[172], with the vast energy becoming work, overcoming a power-depleting machine which contained much of the combined power of himself, the Doctor Strange, the Silver Surfer and Namor [173], holding together the space-time structure to impede the Defenders of being sucked into a fissure [119], smashing materials of adamantium [162][174], breaking the space-time continuum [86], destroying Crypto Man after he was boasted with a physical strength above Thor's [175], overpowering Thor[176], ripping out a pretty powerful device designed to fight against the Celestials[177], cracking Onslaught's armor[130](who was at least Celestial level in power[178]), and to send concussive force throughout countless dimensions due mostly to his power (as the Hulk is much stronger than the Ironclad)[179]. Thor himself mentioned that Hulk may be stronger[180]. The Hulk also grows stronger the more radiation[55][181][182][183] and dark magic[184][185]he absorbs.
  • Superhuman Stamina: The Hulk's body counteracts fatigue poisons that build up in his muscles during physical activity. In an enraged state, he is capable of exerting himself at peak physical capacity for several days before fatigue begins to affect him. However, much like his physical strength, the Hulk's stamina does increase as he becomes angrier[186].
  • Superhuman Durability: In addition to great strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. The Hulk's skin is impervious to conventional blades, adamantium and vibraniumbeing amongst the very few metals that are truly capable of piercing his skin. The Hulk is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, powerful explosives, pressures extremes, falls from orbital heights[187][188], maximized heat without blistering, maximized cold without freezing, and great impacts. The Hulk has withstood the impact of a ground zero nuclear explosion [72][189][190][98][191][192] and also the Human Torch's Nova Blast [193][182], with a temperature of one million degrees Fahrenheit, without any injury. The Hulk was also able to withstand a planet-devastating impact near of the event[194], a planet-shattering impact at point blank range[172], and a mighty blast from Galactus[195]. The Hulk's durability, like his strength, is fueled by rushes of adrenaline while angry[186].
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his high resistance to physical harm, it is possible to cause the Hulk injury. However, he is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. For example, during a battle with Vector all of the skin and much of the muscle mass of the Hulk were destroyed. It took the Hulk moments to regain the mass and be completely healed[196]. The Hulk's healing factor enables him to recover from any physical transmutation[197][198][199][200][183]. He also heals faster and more efficiently the madder he gets[186].
  • Retarded Aging: For all intents the Hulk ages at an incredibly slow rate. Because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells, and the gamma energy and the dark magic he has absorbed that empowers him, the Hulk has an extended lifespan. A possible alternate persona, the Maestro, was in his physical prime despite being more than one hundred years old [201]. In another alternate future the Hulk outlived many species on earth and was still in his physical prime [202].
  • Superhuman Leaping Ability: The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly three miles. However, as he becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump much farther than usual. On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit[188][203]. Hulk was able to cover 1,000 miles with a single leap[204]. He jumped on top of Mount Olympus from ground level, in a single leap [205]. The Hulk also shows incredible precision with his ability to aim his jumps and landings. He has grabbed missiles of the air on multiple occasions and landed on islands barely visible from the height he fell from[204].
  • Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Hulk's superhumanly strong legs allow him to run at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete (about 770 mph). Nevertheless, this does not grant him any enhanced reflexes or agility as smaller foes exploit his size and use it to their advantage. However, he has been fast enough to catch mortar shells shot at him[206].
  • Adaptation to Hostile Habitats: There have been several instances in the past where Hulk has not only spent extended periods of time in oxygen-less outer space without suffocating, but Hulk has also moved his mouth and spoken in these environments. The Hulk is capable to adapt himself to many inhospitable environments whenever it is necessary[207]. Like his healing factor, it is believed that this ability is also fueled by his rage and the madder the Hulk is, the quicker the Hulk's body will adapt.
  • Self Sustenance: The Hulk can survive on very little sustenance, but after the Hulk adapts to a hostile environment (like space) he no longer needs sustenance and does not need air, water, food, or sleep.
  • Underwater Breathing: The Hulk has been on the ocean floor a number of times. He is able to breathe due to his body developing a gland which creates an oxygenated perfluorocarbon emulsion which fills his lungs and equalizes the pressure[89][100]. He is therefore able to breathe fluid and avoid decompression and nitrogen narcosis. 
  • Resistance to Psychic Control: In many instances and occasions, the Hulk has demonstrated great psychic resistance as a side-effect of his rage and the multiple personalities inside his mind[208][46][209][210][211][212].
  • Immunity to All Diseases and Viruses: The Hulk is immune to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses, including AIDS [213][214]. He can operate under intense conditions for extended periods of time due to his body not developing fatigue toxins quickly.
  • Extrasensory Perception:
  • Astral Form Perception: The Hulk has the unique ability of being able to see "astral forms"--or ghosts [215][216]. This power has come in handy when working with his fellow Defender, Dr. Strange, who is able to leave his body in an usually invisible, ghost-like state better known as an astral form. Banner subconsciously feared his father's ghost would come back to haunt him, and so the Hulk developed this mechanism to allow him to look out for him. More recent events have shown that the power to see astral forms may now extend to Bruce Banner. However, it was suggested the clarity of the astral forms is diminished when compared to the Hulk's ability to view them. The Hulk's ability to see astral forms may go beyond just seeing individual spirits. The Hulk once experienced a whole town in the middle of the desert that faded away into nothing. While it is possible it was merely a mirage, it is possible the Hulk was able to see a town that didn't exist in our plane of reality that no one else could see.
  • Homing Ability: The Hulk also has a seemingly mystical homing ability that enables him to locate the area in New Mexico where he first became the Hulk[122]. This applies even if the Hulk is in another dimension. An image of the Maestro once explained to Bruce that the reason he was able to do that was because the Maestro's spirit was there, calling to him. However, since the time Maestro was resurrected the Hulk has continued to return to the gamma bomb site, suggesting that there is more to his ability than merely the Maestro's spirit. This homing ability has also been used to find people on rare occasions. For example, the Hulk was able to dig a tunnel underground exactly in the direction of the Onslaught. While it is possible that Onslaught was mentally leading the Hulk to him, there were other instances of Hulk demonstrating this ability. The Hulk's instincts led him to Rick Jones and Betty and the Hulk located the Abomination with no prior knowledge of his whereabouts. 
  • Gamma Radiation/Energy Manipulation and Emission: Not usually a power associated with the Hulk, but there is enough evidence that Hulk possesses at least a limited ability to manipulate forms of energy, particularly gamma radiation. The Hulk's body works like a "gamma battery" by creating and radiating gamma energy[53]. Armageddon once wanted to use Hulk's own energy to power machines capable of bringing his son back to life. However, the Hulk outsmarted him by consciously force feeding his own energy into the machines at a rate too fast for them to handle and they promptly overloaded and exploded[217]. He also generated massive amounts of gamma energy during World War Hulk[146]. The extent to which Hulk controls his own energy, and foreign sources of energy, is yet to be determined.


Dr. Bruce Banner is a genius in nuclear physics, possessing a mind so brilliant that it cannot be measured by any known intelligence test [218]. According to Banner, he's one of the eight smartest people on the planet. When Banner is the Hulk, Banner's consciousness is buried within the Hulk's, and can influence the Hulk's behavior only to a very limited extent.

Strength level

Class 100+ ; the Hulk is one of the physically strongest beings ever to walk the earth. He possesses vast superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) far in excess of 100 tons easily. In human form Bruce Banner possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in no regular exercise.


Adamantium and vibranium has been shown capable of piercing the Hulk's skin; in World War Hulk, Wolverine, X-23, and black panther's claws could pierce it.


After his recent reprieve from the Hulk at the hands of the Red Hulk Banner has been showing a lot more of his intelligence. This has resulted in a bunch of gadgets that he carries around on his person called his Bannertech.
  • Banner has a mobile operating system that he can hack sophisticated systems with in moments and seems to be controlled mentally for the most part.
  • Banner has created a gamma and old power fueled shield that protects him from most physical harm. It has been show to protect him from beings as strong as Skaar and the Juggernaut. Banner is able to extend this shield to cover several other people and also redirect the energy to increase his strength so he can lift up to 10 tons.
  • Banner has a pocket teleporter in his satchel with which he can reach into his bag and grab things from his lab.
  • A host of scanners that are constantly scanning everyone within 50 feet of him. He also can send out a spy bot that can preform advanced bioscans.
  • Banner used to sew a survival kit into his pants so whenever he woke up, he could survive anywhere. The kit included a needle and thread, a pack of waterproof matches, and a debit card[176].


Banner recently reverse engineered the Leader's teleportation technology and uses that as transportation.


Old powered taser. It's so strong its effects are measured on the Richter Scale. At a 1.4 it was able to send Logan clear across the street and according to Banner on a 6.9 it would be able to kill him.