Cyborg Physiology: Deathlok possesses a variety of superhuman attributes as a result of extensive cybernetic augmentation.
Artificial Intelligence: Much of Deathlok's brain has been replaced with an extremely efficient computer system, granting him greater levels of intelligence than those he possessed before becoming a cyborg. He can inferface with almost any computer system and can communicate with such systems through machine code. He is also capable of downloading vast amounts of information into his system, granting him knowledge in a wide variety of areas that he wouldn't otherwise possess.
Superhuman Sight and Hearing: Deathlok's senses of sight and hearing are artificially enhanced to greater levels than an ordinary human. He is capable of seeing at much greater distances than an ordinary human and with perfect clarity. This same level of clarity extends into the infra red spectrum, allowing him to see perfectly in near total darkness. His sense of hearing is similarly heightened, allowing him to hear sounds ordinary human's can't and to hear sounds they can, but at much greater distances.
Superhuman Strength: Deathlok possesses great superhuman strength and is currently able to lift approximately 85 tons. However, his design has the capacity to potentially lift as much as 150 tons.
Superhuman Speed: Despite his great size and bulk, Deathlok is capable of running and moving at speeds considerably greater than even the finest human athlete. He can reach a top speed of 110 miles per hour.
Superhuman Stamina: Deathlok's artificial musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the natural musculature of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him.
Superhuman Durability: Deathlok's artifial skin and muscle tissues are considerably denser and more resistant to injury than the natural muscular of an ordinary human. Most of the bones in his body have been replaced with a titanium alloy, rendering them far more resistant to breakage than human bones. Deathlok is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature extremes, and great impact forces without sustaining injury.
Superhuman Agility: Despite his massive size, Deathlok's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: Deathlok's reaction time is enhanced to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Deathlok is an excellent computer programmer. Deathlok's on-board computer system contains the downloaded contents in excess of 17 Cray mainframe computers and can provide him with detailed information on a wide variety of subjects. Through his downloads, Deathlok has gained a broad knowledge of hand to hand combat techniques, as well as detailed knowledge in the use of conventional and technologically advanced firearms.
Strength level
85 with the potential to reach 150 tons. Weaknesses
Despite his cybernetic enhancements, Deathlok is still vunlerable to certain human needs. He still requires the need for oxygen to breathe and sleep. He also requires nourishment, but his simplified digestive system is only capable of absorbing nutrients in a liquified form.