New God Physiology: These New Gods have evolved due to their close proximity to the Source, a primeaval energy, believed to be one of the ultimate foundations of the Universal Expression of Energy, along with their superior technology, into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection. The denizens of New Genesis are stronger, faster, and smarter than homo sapiens, despite their resemblance to the same.
Immortality: Like few other of the New Gods, Highfather Izaya is functionally immortal, having ceased aging physically near the age of 50. Unless he falls in battle, Highfather Izaya is immune to the ravages of time, and could easily live for thousands upon thousands of years.
Invulnerability: He is resistant to blunt trauma like punches, kicks, and blows from weapons like bats and maces, though not -completely- immune; unless the blows a dealt by a being with similar or greater strength than Highfather, there just isn't a chance of injury. However, his invulnerability does not extend to bullets, laser-blasts, or other piercing/slicing weapons - his invulnerability is more akin to that of an Amazon, rather than a Kryptonian.
Super Strength: While Highfather Izaya's strength as a New God is naturally greater than that of a human man of his (approximate) build and stature who engages in regular intensive exercise.
Super Stamina: Highfather Izaya's stamina and endurance is nothing short of amazing. Highfather Izaya is able to manage his stamina on a certain amount of rest and sustenance (more than minimal) so that it seems he is able to constantly function, though this is not entirely the case. Tied directly to his strength and invulnerability, even his immunity to a certain extent, Highfather Izaya can actually function at peak efficiency for almost 48 hours before needing to eat and rest off the stress.
Energy Manipulation: only limit is the amount of energy existing in the Source, he cannot create new energy, but can channel and manipulate existing forms of energy. He apparently can actively shift the signature of wave energy along its spectrum.
Matter Manipulation
Telepathy: ability to read minds and project thoughts.
Source Avatar: ability to commune with the Source and thus gain a understanding of its wisdom, guidance and motivations. He is also empowered by the Source. He is the conduit and avatar of the Source to the New Gods of New Genesis.
Radion: New Gods are vulnerable to a substance called Radion. It source is unknown and its effects are toxic only in sustained amounts or after explosive exposure. The average New God can be slain by an application of Radion from a Radion blaster or bomb. Radion, must be hard to come by, because if it was not, Darkseid would obviously equip more of his troops with it. Perhaps it requires the mysterious Element X to create it.
Golden Staff