
Maxima (New Earth)


Superhuman Strength: Her strength was comparable to that of Supergirl and Big Barda.

Superhuman Stamina: She could exert herself at peak capacity for several days without tiring.

Superhuman Durability: She could withstand various kinds of attacks without sustaining damage.

Superhuman Speed: She could move and fly at speeds superior to those of even the finest athlete.

Psychokinesis: She had the power to levitate both enemies and inanimate objects. The limits of her powers are unknown.

Telekinesis: She could psionically cause metal to melt and can rearrange the molecules of her own clothing to replicate any kind of attire she wishes. Maxima could surround herself with a force-field bubble, which enabled her to survive underwater or in outer space. She could also mentally suspend her own life functions temporarily

Flight: Using her telekinesis, she had the ability to propel herself through the air unaided.

Mind Control: She could place other people under her hypnotic control or paralyze them temporarily with her gaze.

Psychic Blasts: She could fire psionic beams powerful enough to stagger Superman himself.

Strength level

Her strength was comparable to that of Supergirl and Big Barda.