Banshee is a mutant.
Audiokinesis: he creates powerful sonic waves with his voice with which he can achieve various effects, often with the assistance of psionic abilities which function only in unison with his sonic power.
Sonic Scream: ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream
Flight: ability to fly at subsonic speeds by using his voice to propel him through the air and ride the sound waves.
Sonar: can use his sonic powers as a form of sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, he can evaluate his surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
Sonic Shield: can tighten sound waves around himself or others near him, making a barrier against outside attack.
Vocal Disorientation: ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using his sonic scream
Vocal Trance: ability to subtly influence people's subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of his voice using sonics
Vocal Unconsciousness: ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
Sound Immunity: Banshee's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by his power or other similar abilities.
Superhuman Vocal Stamina: possesses superhuman stamina in his lungs, throat, and vocal cords.
A gifted detective, seasoned undercover operative, and unarmed combatant, Sean was also well-versed in combat strategy and tactics. He was an excellent marksman, amateur machinesmith, educator, organizer and lobbyist. His interests included American country music and playing the piano.
Strength level
Sean Cassidy possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and weight who engages inmoderate regular exercise.
His vocal cords are susceptible to injury from excessive strain in using sonic powers. He has also survived normally fatal throat wounds at the cost of his sonic powers temporarily.
Flight under his own power; X-Men Blackbird, X-Men Stratojet, Professor Xavier's Rolls Royce.
Conventional firearms, explosive "micro-bombs".